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Table 2 Multivariate regression models showing association between first grade teacher’s contact with preschool centers and child outcomes

From: Information sharing between teachers and early education programs during school entry in Norway: associations with children’s school adjustment and success in the first year

Direct effects

Initial social adjustment

Initial academic adjustment

General motivation

Communication skills

Academic skills

Externalizing behaviors

Social skills

Coef. (SE) [OR (CI)]

Coef. (SE) [OR (CI)]

Coef. (SE) [OR (CI)]

Coef. (SE)

Coef. (SE)

Coef. (SE)

Coef. (SE)

No contact (omitted)

 Contact about curriculum/general info

0.23 (0.21) [1.26 (0.84 to 1.88)]

0.32 (0.26) [1.37 (0.82 to 2.30)]

0.13 (0.30) [1.14 (0.63 to 2.05)]

0.08 (0.06)

0.07 (0.13)

− 0.05 (0.05)

− 0.01 (0.07)

 Contact about specific child

− 0.46 (0.29) [0.63 (0.36 to 1.13)]

− 0.37 (0.37) [0.69 (0.33 to 1.43)]

− 0.36 (0.29) [0.70 (0.39 to 1.23)]

− 0.03 (0.05)

− 0.10 (0.13)

− 0.03 (0.07)

0.02 (0.06)

 Contact about both

0.41* (0.17) [1.51 (1.09 to 2.09)]

0.32 (0.19) [1.38 (0.94 to 2.01)]

− 0.28 (0.17) [0.75 (0.54 to 1.06)]

− 0.07 (0.04)+

− 0.07 (0.08)

0.03 (0.04)

− 0.02 (0.04)

  1. Regression results aggregated across 20 imputed datasets; all models included child, family, school, and teacher covariates noted in Table 1. Coefficients upon request. Models adjusted for clustering by school identifier
  2. n = 932; *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05, + p < 0.10