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Table 3 Determinants of preschool choice of the parents: marginal effects of Probit regression

From: Public or private? Determinants of parents’ preschool choice in India

Probit estimation (base outcome: public preschool)


Log (household income)

0.335*** (0.030)

House type (ref: non-concrete)


0.189*** (0.041)


0.117** (0.036)

Parents’ level of education (ref: up to primary)


0.164*** (0.035)

 HS and above

0.194*** (0.059)

Fathers’ occupation status (ref: regular job)

 Casual or no job

− 0.071* (0.036)

Mothers’ occupation status (ref: regular job)

 Casual or no job

0.015 (0.057)

Religious origin (ref. Hindu)

 Islam and others

− 0.019 (0.064)

Caste origin—backward caste (ref: general caste)

 Backward castes (S.C., S.T., OBC)

0.061* (0.031)

Sex of the child (ref. male child)


 Female child

0.066** (0.025)

General health status of the child (ref: below average)

 Average or good

− 0.025 (0.070)

 Number of children

− 0.041* (0.020)

Residing location (ref: rural)


− 0.018 (0.029)

Residing district (ref: Howrah)


0.166* (0.074)

Reasons for choosing preschool (ref: non-educational)


0.174*** (0.045)






  1. Coefficients represent marginal effects
  2. Standard error in parenthesis. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001