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Table 3 Relative risk ratios (RRR) between family SES characteristics, control variables and the form of child’s ECEC

From: Socioeconomic and attitudinal differences between service users of private and public early childhood education and care in the Finnish context


Private ECEC: voucher

Private ECEC: PDA

Private ECEC: PDA


Public ECEC

Private ECEC: voucher


RRR [95% CI]

RRR [95% CI]

RRR [95% CI]

Socioeconomic characters

 Parental education level (0 = primary/secondary education, 1 = tertiary education)

1.95 [1.18‒3.21]

3.06 [1.61‒5.84]

1.57 [0.72‒3.46]

Household income level

 Low income

1.10 [0.57‒2.11]

0.49 [0.25‒0.95]

0.45 [0.19‒1.08]

 Middle income

1.08 [0.65‒1.78]

0.57 [0.37‒0.88]

0.53 [0.29‒0.98]

 High income




Control variables

 Parent’s country of birth (0 = Finland, 1 = other)

0.51 [0.22‒1.19]

1.44 [0.82‒2.54]

2.84 [1.09‒7.41]

 Amount of ECEC (0 = 1–27 h/ week, 1 = 28 h or more/week)

1.22 [0.72‒2.09]

1.26 [0.68‒2.32]

1.03 [0.48‒2.21]

 Flexibly scheduled ECEC (0 = no, 1 = yes)

0.18 [0.24‒1.36]

0.21 [0.03‒1.61]

1.18 [0.07‒19.09]

  1. Statistically significant results are bolded