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Table 4 Average marginal effects (AME) of family SES characteristics and control variables

From: Socioeconomic and attitudinal differences between service users of private and public early childhood education and care in the Finnish context


Private ECEC: voucher

Private ECEC: PDA

Public ECEC


AME (%) [95% CI]

AME (%) [95% CI]

AME (%) [95% CI]

Socioeconomic characteristics

 Parental education level (0 = primary/secondary education, 1 = tertiary education)

4.8 [1.1‒8.4]

7.1 [3.8‒10.4]

− 11.8 [− 16.5 ‒− 7.2]

Household income level

 Low income

1.7 [− 4.4‒7.7]

− 6.8 [− 12.8 to − 0.8]

5.1 [− 2.8‒13.1]

 Middle income

1.4 [− 3‒5.8]

− 5.7 [− 10.5 to − 0.9]

4.3 [− 1.8‒10.4%]

 High income




Control variables

 Parent’s country of birth (0 = Finland, 1 = other)

− 5.4 [− 13.6 to − 0.6]

4.4 [− 1.9‒10.6]

1.1 [− 6.4‒8.5]

 Amount of ECEC (0 = 1–27 h/week, 1 = 28 h or more/week)

1.5 [− 3–6.2]

1.7 [− 3.1‒6.4]

− 3.2 [− 9.5‒3]

 Flexibly scheduled ECEC (0 = no, 1 = yes)

− 8.5 [− 13.6 to − 3.4]

− 7.4 [− 12.9 to − 2]

15.9 [8.5‒23.4]

  1. Statistically significant results are bolded
  2. The result is statistically significant if CI does not include 0. Ref. = reference category
  3. CI = 95% confidence interval