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Table 2. Teaching Methods

From: The Revision of Japan’s National Guidelines for Care and Education at Day Nursery and Its Problems


Teaching Methods

Children’s development: Around age five

Children play more with common images than with language, and they increasingly play as a group to meet collective goals. What is more, they sometimes upgrade their plays and make their own rules.

Children’s development: Around age six

Children value their peer’s opinions. They engage in role-playing activities, such as cooperative plays and pretending plays, and keep playing them until they become satisfied with their roles.


Children come across a variety of activities and enjoy them.

Human relationship

Children come to discover their common goals by playing with their peers and to cooperate with them to meet those goals.


Children take interests in local activities and enjoy taking part in the events in and outside of their nurseries.


Children enjoy communicating with their teachers during role-playing games.


Children sing songs, do finger plays and dance to the rhythms with their nursery teachers.

Considerations for children over the age of three

Teachers should help children realize the importance of abiding by rules and make their own decisions with the medium of practical learning and play.